Great News! The Town of Pilot Butte is adopting its new Official Community Plan & Zoning Bylaw – both are significant Land Use Planning Bylaws to guide the Community Growth & Development of Pilot Butte in the Next 20 Years.
Check out and enjoy reading the following significant land use planning bylaws below:
ZONING BYLAW (Bylaw No. 02-2023)
The New Zoning Bylaw and Official Community Plan is now implemented.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Town Office by phone: 306-781-4547 or email:
We thank you for coming to our community engagement and for sharing your vision and feedback for the growth and development of the Town of Pilot Butte.
An Official Community Plan (OCP) is the municipality’s vision for the future and outlines a timeframe for achieving that vision. It is a comprehensive policy document designed to guide the physical, environmental, economic, social and cultural development of the municipality.
Watch the video below to learn more about the OCP. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended.
A Zoning Bylaw (ZB) establishes land development regulations needed to achieve the OCP’s vision. It controls the use of land in your community by regulating land use, building location, development standards, specific uses, and site-specific regulations such as lot sizes, setback distances, building heights, parking requirements, etc. A ZB also outlines the day-to-day administration including processes for the development of land and applying for various permits.
Watch the video below to learn more about the Zoning. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended.
Check the following information for further details! Be involved on your developing and growing Community of Pilot Butte.