Reminder: The fall clean up bins are here until Friday! Please note the bins may be picked up Friday morning, so if planning to use the bins please have items deposited in the bins before Friday!
A reminder as well, if the bins are full DO NOT leave items beside the bins. This leaves a mess in the area and has recently caused the Town additional fees and charges. If the bins are full please take your items and come back to deposit the items once there is space in the bins. We also ask that you review the Acceptable and Unacceptable items list to ensure what you are depositing is acceptable. Items such as tires cannot be disposed of in these bins and results in the Town needing to find alternate locations to take them to and the Town incurring additional cost for the removal of unaccepted items.
The metal bins are available in the Town Compound year round, however only emptied periodically on the bin provider’s schedule. If the bin is full you can contact the Town to be put on a list for when the metal bin is emptied and available again.