RM of Edenwold public hearing Aug 22, 2023 @ 6:30pm – Commercial Compost Facility
It is still the RM of Edenwold’s intent to allow for a General Industry Type III use for the operation of a commercial compost facility to process organic waste on-site to create compost for distribution and sale at Blk/Par D-Plan 102294604Ext 0 and Blk/Par E-Plan 102294604 Ext 0 application.
The RM of Edenwold will hold a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. (local time) on Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023, in the Council Chambers of the R.M. ofEdenwold No.158, 100 Hutchence Road, Emerald Park, Saskatchewan. toreceive submissions, written or verbal, on the proposed discretionary use:
Written, signed submissions will be presented to Council and can be sent byMail, Email or Fax.
Mail: 100 Hutchence Road, Emerald Park, SK S4L 1C6
Email: paige.boha@edenwold-sk.ca.
Fax: 306-347-2970