Dear Residents,
This letter is to inform you that upon recent review and finalization of the new Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw, the Town discovered a mistake on the first draft of the Future Land Use Map and Zoning District Map that was presented at the recent Open House sessions. The map did not accurately represent the Crescent Park Neighbourhood Plan that was signed within the April 22, 2013 Servicing Agreement between the Town of Pilot Butte and the Developer. The Council of 2013 approved a plan that is shown on the back of this letter. The 2013 Crescent Park Neighbourhood Plan then became a part of the registered Agreement on the entire land of Crescent Park at the Saskatchewan Land Registry.
The plan showed a future development of single-family dwellings (*R1 – purple), multi-family dwellings (**R3 – blue), and municipal reserves (green). Unfortunately, this information was not part of the draft Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw maps that were distributed to Pilot Butte residents during the initial phase of public consultations. Please see the 2013 legally registered approved plan below this post. This approved plan will be included as part of the Town of Pilot Butte’s new Zoning Bylaw and Official Community Plan maps.
The Town of Pilot Butte sincerely apologizes for this oversight and welcomes all comments and concerns at our scheduled Open House during Office hours 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Monday through Thursday and Fridays from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm during the month of February. This event is to provide the residents of Pilot Butte a chance to publicly inspect, ask questions and forward concerns regarding the corrected map to the current Council. A public hearing to review the entire proposed bylaw and plan will take place in April prior to the adoption of the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw by the Town of Pilot Butte Council.
Please contact the Town Office at 306-781-4547 for further information.