The property tax year is from January 1st – December 31st of the current year. Property tax notices are sent at the end of May and are due December 31st of the year in which the notice is issued. Any amount unpaid by December 31st will be carried forward to the new year and will be subject to a 1.5% penalty on the first of every month thereafter until paid.
A breakdown of the dates and discounted amounts can be found on your Tax Notice in the lower left side.
Sample tax notice above
Payments can be made at the town office during regular business hours at 222 Diamond Place by cash, cheque, debit, or through OptionPay (for more information on OptionPay click here), or through your online banking as a bill payment:
For Taxes use the Roll Number noted on the top left of your Tax Notice using the first 7 digits (if your Roll Number is less than 7 digits and your bank requires a full 7 digits you may put 0’s in front) exclude the following 3 digits.
Online payments should be made in advance of the due date, as it can take 3-5 business days for the Town to receive and process the payment.
Receipts for tax payments will be sent by your preferred delivery method; mail or e-notice.
The Town does not offer a monthly Tax Installment Payment Program (TIPP), however you may make online payments regularly/at your convenience to accumulate a credit in your tax account in preparation for the next Tax Notice.
Property Class |
Average Taxable Assessment |
Mill Rate |
Mill Rate Factor |
Base Tax |
Total Municipal Tax |
Residential | 373,520 | 5.31 | 1.037 | 156.00 | $2,212.79 |
Commercial & Industrial | 375,000 | 5.31 | 1.4373 | 156.00 | $3,018.02 |
Agricultural | 40,000 | 5.31 | 2.2 | 156.00 | $623.28 |
To view the 2024 Budget Summary included with the property tax notices, please click on the image below to open a PDF copy.
Utilities are billed in the first day or two (depending on weekends) after the month in which the usage occurred and are due at the end of the billing month. Interest will be charged at the rate of 1.5% per month on unpaid balances.
Payments can be made at the town office during regular business hours at 222 Diamond Place by cash, cheque, debit, or through OptionPay (for more information on OptionPay click here), or through your online banking as a bill payment:
We encourage new residents to call into the Town Office when they move to town. Water service is rarely turned off. We will transfer the billing into your name when we receive confirmation of the title change from ISC using the date of official title transfer.
You have the option of receiving utility, tax and assessment notices by e-notice. Here is the current link for this service:
The town does not send out utility receipts when payments are received online or by cheque.