Certificate of Registration Declaration
We encourage residents to have forms completed prior to arriving at the office, but forms are available at the office as well. Payment can be made by e-transfer to pbetransfer@sasktel.net,or paid at the office by cash, debit or credit card through OptionPay (for more information on OptionPay click here).
In its first year of operation, we had seen a positive and encouraging response to awareness and safety regarding ATV’s within our community. The Town of Pilot Butte and the ATV Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your participation and support of the ATV Registration Initiative.
Click here for to review the Bylaw 3-2021 ATV or find it on the Bylaws and Policies page.
Download the What You Need To Know poster.
All registration forms are fillable documents. Meaning you can fill them out without printing them.