As the weather warms and the snow begins to melt, storm drains will be monitored to cautiously open for drainage. The opening of storm drains requires consideration of preventing potential damage to the pipes with the changing temperatures. If drains are opened too much, there is risk of large amounts of water gathering in the lines and if colder temperatures follow, there is potential for the water to freeze and damage the lines.
While Public Works will keep an eye on and open the drains, residents assistance and efforts are always appreciated! You can help this process by maintaining sidewalks and areas around storm drains, minimizing snow, ice and debris as the snow and ice begin to melt. Maintaining these areas and chipping away at ice build up helps to provide a clear path to the storm drain and prevent water from pooling.
If you notice an area where water is pooling while melting, please reach out to the Town Office so we can have Public Works assess the area.